Fictional Tales
The following stories are entirely works of fiction, created by the authors to entertain and engage audiences. The characters, events, and settings described within are not based on real individuals, occurrences, or locations. The authors grant permission for these fictional tales to be shared and enjoyed, without any intention to deceive or misrepresent actual people or events.
The authors of these fictional stories grant permission for their works to be shared on website, and enjoyed, without any claim of ownership or control over subsequent interpretations or adaptations.
The authors of these fictional stories grant permission for their works to be shared on website, and enjoyed, without any claim of ownership or control over subsequent interpretations or adaptations.
These stories are meant for entertainment purposes only. If you have a story you would like to be featured you can send it in email to Please include the pen name you would like to use to have them posted. Please make sure these are original and your own and if Copywritten please include written authorization of its use on the website.